
dois sentidos: cair fora e denunciar, criticar até reduzir a pó

dormir continuava predominantemente negativo da perspectiva interna do já dado; de fora, o contrário.

eis o positivo!


II. Fale do realizado, se quiser; contudo, durante o decorrer do trabalho, não leia nada dele para outros. Toda satisfação que você se proporciona através disso bloqueia seu ritmo. Com a observância desse regime, o crescente desejo de comunicação acaba tornando-se motor do acabamento. (WB)


Separar o trabalho de sua finalidade humana é, e Brecht vê isso, trair os outros e desse modo trair a vida. (TM, 259)

Poderíamos nos recusar à multidão e ainda assim continuar a ser cientistas? Os movimentos das estrelas tornaram-se mais claros; mas para a massa das pessoas o movimento de seus mestres é ainda incalculável... Com o tempo você talvez descubra tudo o que há para ser descoberto e o seu progresso será apenas um movimento que se distancia da humanidade. O abismo entre eles e você pode um dia tornar-se tão grande que o seu grito de júbilo para com uma nova realização seja respondido por um grito universal de horror.

Afortunados os tempos para os quais o céu estrelado é o mapa dos caminhos transitáveis e a serem transitados, e cujos rumos a luz das estrelas ilumina. Tudo lhes é novo e no entanto familiar, aventuroso e no entanto próprio. O mundo é vasto, e no entanto é como a própria casa, pois o fogo que arde na alma é da mesma essência que as estrelas; distinguem-se eles nitidamente, o mundo e o eu, a luz e o fogo, porém jamais se tornarão para sempre alheios um ao outro, pois o fogo é a alma de toda luz e de luz veste-se todo fogo. (L)


o outro


CUTLER: At times it seems like a horror film. What are the specific immigration laws that the film refers to?

KLOTZ: I can give a precise example for the character of Julio (Winson Calixte). We worked in Lyon with a lawyer who is helping immigrants without papers, and she said that since Sarkozy became president, with the politics that they have been doing, the laws, asking the police to get quotas, everything has been accelerated and it is getting much more difficult for immigrant families. And they discovered new sicknesses through the children of these families, and one of these sicknesses that arrived with Sarkozy is narcolepsy. Children falling asleep because of their fear. And that was something that she was very anguished about. It is not something that was in the books or newspapers, it was something she heard many times in the families she was helping. Something in today’s air in France provokes it. Julio was arrested. He is a minor, he is 15, and he was arrested in the Metro. The police ask him his papers, so he gives his paper that specify that he is a minor, but they don’t believe that. If they can prove that he is 17, they can expel him. So they bring him to the hospital and they make bone tests with X-rays, and they look at his teeth and at his genitals. Which are the same things they were doing in the 30s. And they said that he was 17 and not 15. So from this moment he starts falling asleep. And it’s like, he said, as if the machines in the hospital went into his body and put a spell on him. That’s one of the many reasons for the voodoo that moves around the film. Getting the spell out of his papers. Julio takes the spell out of his papers by burning his papers. This is to tell you how very concrete laws and police methods make very concrete things happen in the fiction, generating form.


Walter Benjamin prepared and delivered some 30 broadcasts for German Radio between 1929-1932 specifically for children, maybe 7-14 or so, each consisting of a 20 minute talk or monologue.

A main emphasis was on introducing the youth to various, some of them classical, natural catastrophes, for instance the Lisbon earthquake of the 1750's that so shook the optimism of Voltaire and the century, a flood of the Mississippi of 1927, the Pompeii disaster as came through the famous letter of Pliny the Younger; another subject was various episodes of lawlessness fraud and deceit, much of it recent, for instance bootlegger's boats that were bringing rum or whatever to America through the prohibition blockade. "Aufklärung für Kinder" ("Enlightenment for Children") was the name of the series.